Survey Results and Statistics for [ECO MAYA
SURVEY 2004 Community Demographics, Inter] |
Survey Views |
98 |
Survey Responses |
50 |
Are you an artist or cultural worker? / Es usted artista o
un trabajador cultural? |
Are you Mayan or Mayan descendant? / Es usted Maya o tiene
ancestros Mayas? |
Is the home you want... Su hogar deseado es... |
Do you actually rent or own? / Está usted rentando o es
propietario? |
Are you (Check all that apply)/ Su estado civil |
Do you have children living with you?/ Tiene hijos que viven
con usted? |
Indicate total household income / Indique el ingreso total
del nucleo familiar: |
Indicate activities/interests which you and/or household
members enjoy on a regular basis: / Actividades e intereses que usted o
los miembros de su hogar comparten regularmente: |
Gender / Género |
Your age / Su edad |