Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba
Filial Matanzas. Milanés # 27414. Teléfono: 24 4857
Dr. Maria Esther Ortiz
Maria Esther Ortiz

Writer, editor and researcher. Attorney.

Address: P.O. Box 26688. Los Angeles, California, 90026.
Phone & Fax: (323) 960-0389
email: Ortiz@afrocuba.org
website: www.afrocuba.org


  • Member of Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and Union of Cuban Lawyers (UNJC).
    2000 to present Stage Of The Arts, Inc.
    Editor & Writer with specialized experience in the edition and proofreading of Spanish language publications.
    Spanish editor of www.afrocuba.org
    Editor of AfroCuba Anthology, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
    Project Director of Hunab Ku Program sponsored by the California Council for Humanities.
    Co-Director of El Patio de Maria en Hollywood.

    [2001 – 2003] Cultural Academic Exchange between the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists and California State University, Los Angeles, California. Chief of Cuban official Mission for the cultural and academic exchange with U.S.A.
    Coordination, promotion and production of Cuban academic cultural exchange programs in Los Angeles, California.

    [1999-2002] Jose Jacinto Milanés Editorial House. Matanzas, Cuba. Director and Editor. Direction of two publishing houses: Editorial Matanzas and Editorial Vigia. Working with writers and books promotion, programming of book releases and book fairs. Edition of poetry and essays collections, magazines and websites in the Ministry of Culture of Cuba. Scriptwriting, hosting and direction of cultural programs of television.

  • [1993 -1994] University of Matanzas. Matanzas, Cuba
    Assistant Professor
    Roman Right, Civilian Rights and Civilian Obligations and Contracts.

    [1980-1999] Ministry of Industry. Matanzas, Cuba
    Attorney at Law. Legal assessor and representation in foreign and national business, contracts and negotiations.

    [1999] University of Matanzas, Cuban Chamber of Commerce . Matanzas, CUBA
    Post Degree in Technical of Foreign Trade
    [1997-98] University of Habana, CUBA
    Master in Business Law
    [1997] University of Matanzas, CUBA,
    Post Degree of Pedagogy for Academic Education & Research.
    [1997] University of Matanzas, CUBA,
    Post Degree of Computer Science for Engineers
    [1992-1996] University of Matanzas, CUBA,
    Post Degrees of Decision making, Negotiation and Marketing
    [1992] University of Havana and University of Matanzas, Cuba.
    J. D. from the Havana Law School. Graduated with First Honor.

Recent Conferences and Lectures:

- Matanzas: la cultura de las emociones. UNEAC and Stage Of The Arts, Inc. in collaboration with Educational Programs and Services and International Programs of California State University in Los Angeles, October, 2000.

- Ediciones Vigía: libros manufacturados. In collaboration with Barbara Robinson, Curator, Bookman Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. USC, March 2002

- Other papers from Cuba, Lectures and Presentation of Ediciones Vigia, handmade books. UNEAC and Stage Of The Arts, Inc. in collaboration with The Latino Art Museum of Pomona and Tia Chucha’s Café Cultural, Sylmar, California

- Cuban Bodies: Digital Globalization. UNEAC and Stage Of The Arts, Inc. in collaboration with Educational Programs and Services and International Programs of California State University in Los Angeles, April 29, 2002.

"As a poet, editor, and community activist, I'm honored to support the work of Maria Esther Ortiz and the Matanzas poets and artists. This the beginning of a powerful cultural exchange between writers and artists in Los Angeles and those in Matanzas -- de un barrio a otro. Together, as struggling artists of conscience and witness, we can positively impact the growth and integralness of the arts for everyone."

--Luis J. Rodriguez, author of "Always Running: La Vida Loca, Gang Days in LA."

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