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Armando Rodríguez: to the center the heart.

by María Esther Ortiz

without title (mixed technique)

Armando has painted for a long time: since Cain killed Abel. He has the memory of the man's interior and relates the mercy, the cruelty, the bewilderment, the inanity. Or maybe makes by heart the map of those places that we call with the nombres  heart, soul, memory, to tranquilize us. It traces in them the human being routes that unbraids their skins and membranes, tears their muscles and cut in pieces their marrows when looks toward itself; the jester's map, of the inquisitor, of the executioner, of the dissent and intolerance of the trip of each one into themselves.

Armando Abel Rodríguez Alfonso (Matanzas, 1965), he is Professor of Painting, Sculpture and Drawing and graphic designer. At the moment he works in the Shop of Ayllón, with Eulises Niebla, Enelio Suárez and other artists. Their work “The faces of the moon” received Prize in the Provincial Living room of plastic arts Roberto Diago in 1998, in their currículum can be appreciated the vast work carried out and the received recognitions. Their surrealist speech uses an ironic figuration about the reality, about the day-to-dayness that implies the traverse cut of the human interior. A constant in its works is the reference to the torn character, open, to the vision of antagonisms expressed in a iconográfic repertoire , objects and entities that always require a “deslimitación”, a space excess, because its power expands them outside of the traditional support to require the juxtaposition of planes or the overlapping of volumes, creating a complex plane-space relationship that attracts and concentrates the spectator's attention.



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