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Eulises Niebla Pérez: the equality of the air.

By María Esther Ortiz

The time and me (I steel, 3 meters)

Eulises Niebla Pérez graduated in 1984 in the National School of Art and in 1989,at the Superior Institute. In the Catalog of the Transitory Exhibition The Young Sculpture in Matanzas is recognized like one of the honored sculptors in the finishes of the decade. The time and me, ( steel, 3 meters), his work in Hannah Peschar's Private Collection, is a conceived pendulum and installed of a high tree branch in the gardens that form this gallery outdoors in England. He explains that of the art minimal he only takes the minimalización concept, esencialización in the ways. I consider that two tendencies persist: the constructivism and  the figuration. Years later, in their work Icaro: the challenge and immortality, they coexist the balanced harmony between the brass and the glass, among the lineal stability and the evocation of the flight, the essential purity in the ways and the figuration of possible contents.

Another recurrent sign is the integration of significant and the dialogue of opposed, the challenge of the use of the heavy, voluminous metals, to express aerodynamic lines, relating on the man's challenges and contemporaneidad signs when integrating elements and current designs with the figuration of universal concepts as the relationship man and environment, nature and city, mythical meanings as that of the flight, the arch that reaches opposed riversides or it dances with the light in the horizon, the concave columns that would propitiate the entrance –concha, armor, arch on the way, curved metatextual–from the Piazza that was its thesis work conceived for a height four meters and that has not been carried out; until the conceptual minimización of a relating arquetípico in The seat with its recreation in the way of the utilitarian object and its conversion in aesthetic object.


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