Bantu one (towns of the old Congo) they represent
most of the slaves entering to Cuba during the XVII
century and principles of the XVIII one. After the
trate about slaves it became illegal, the Yorubas
(towns of Nigeria and old el Calabar) they became
the main group of slaves arriving to Cuba. The sincretismo of the religion
Yoruba and the saints of the Catholic Church created
a commitment social called " santería ", which was
accepted by the Christendom during the Republic and
sponsored after 1959 as folkloric value and cultural
patrimony of the Cuban town. But symbiosis doesn't
exist between the Christendom and the pioneers of
the Bantu groups; the Paleros believes in a Supreme
God and Creator of the Universe but the theology conga
works with mpungos (you force intangible) that are
not antropomórficas like the Orichas. While the Santería
is accepted in the Cuban society, the Witchcraft of
the African magicians is still considered a diabolical
practice. The county of Matanzas, Cuba, represents
the biggest congregation in the religiosity of Palo
Monte. On Sunday 22 of June of 1919 in the City of
Matanzas, a three year-old girl, Cecilia Dalcourt,
strayed in the streets. The press and the police coincided
when affirming that Cecilia was kidnapped and sacrificed
by the sorcerers. Afro-Cuban supposedly practitioners
of Stick were imprisoned. The Dr. Armando Carnot,
mayor of the City, was accused of working with the
sorcerers and the crowd rioted in the gentle town.
That bloody night of June, the guards of the Castle
of San Severino opened fire. Eighty years later, the
mystery of the Niña Cecilia is still alive . During
1997 and 1998 drove field studies in Matanzas, Cuba,
including newspapers of the years 20's, you interview
with paleros and cause testimoniantes. The tomb of
the Niña Cecilia was open and the remains studied
by a forensic doctor. The supposed body of the crime
was a fetus in fact.
Anyone in the City of Matanzas knew that in eves
of the day 24 of June, summer solstice, Catholic calendar
of San Juan; it should not be left alone to the children.
It always existed the possibility that some black
sorcerer came to be stolen some boy.
I grew playing to the marbles and the kimbumbia in
the street Zaragoza, and by force of point to make
rotate the glass pellets on that street, we learned
how to recognize the bananas of Changó and the bags
with witchcraft.
In a corner was the First Iglesia Bautista that was
founded in 1895, in the other corner it was mortuary
Torres. So the block was good to deposit all magic
luck and sorcery there where they join all the incantations:
in the four corners.
Remains silent River (Tello Lamar remains silent they
baptized her then). To a couple of blocks the river
runs San Juan and walking in opposed address you arrives
at once at Rolando Teruel Cartaya house, founder of
The Union, the union that fought to win social rights
for the black workers during the Republic. Rolando
is now 92 years old and he is grandson of Remigio
Herrera (Addé Chinva) who it introduced the drums
batá in Matanzas and it began to the first babalao
(priest of Ifá) Cuban December 3 1872.
The asphalt had not Still covered the centennial paving
stones neither the granite sidewalks had remplazado
all the big flagstones of black stone. It was San
Juan's day and I wanted to leave to the street River
to play with the grocer's children. Then I was three
years old and my mother didn't have left it more remedy
than to explain eats up to that same age the girl
it had disappeared in that same street Cecilia.